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Verified Google Reviews

Authentic reviews from real customers—straight from Google. We take pride in delivering quality crystals at practical prices.


Regular price $187.50
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Rose Quartz Heart Viewers Giveaway -$0

Amethyst Mini Slab Hourly Giveaway-$0

Abalone Shell Appreciation Giveaway-$0

Lepidolite Obelisk -$3

Mixed Tower And Freedom Bundle -$13

Malagasy Quartz Cluster -$5

Golden Healer and Black Tourm Facet -$12

Malagassy Quartz Bundle -$6

Malagassy Quartz Cluster -$2.50

Brandberg Quartz Point -$6 DRILL

Seashell Pendant Bundle -$5

Seashell Pendant Bundle -$5

Yellow Cubic & Amethyst cluster -$9

Clear Quartz Sphere -$14

Spirit Quartz Cluster -$6

Rose Quartz Pyramid -$3

Brandberg Amethyst Point Viewers Giveaway -$0

Brandberg Amethyst Point -$6

Brandberg Amethyst Point -$5 DRILL

Brandberg Quartz Point -$9

Smoky Quartz Point -$7

Brandberg Quartz Point -$5

Brandberg Quartz Point -$11

Kundalini Amethyst Cluster Bundle Box -$9 DRILL Left Side Circled

Spirit Quartz CLuster -$5

India Black Tourmaline Cluster -$3

India Black Tourmaline Cluster -$5

Spirit Quartz Cluster -$5 DRILL

Spirit Quartz Cluster -$4 DRILL

Brandberg Amethyst Point - $4 DRILL

Brandberg Quartz Point - $6

India Tourmaline Bundle - $14